Hello netizens,
I’m writing to invite you participation in a new blog post series for ACSJN. The series is called Intimate Interludes and are peer interview styled posts inspired by “Planning the Revolution Over Collards”, a conversation between ACSJN Leadership team member Tufara Waller Muhammad and Javiera Benavente. These interludes are meant as a way to highlight cultural workers, artists and practitioners doing work at the intersection of art and social justice and to create links between folks doing similar work in different areas around the country.
We are working on building mechanisms to better serve our wide community and this is one way to do it.
You’re reading this blog because you’re interested in what we do or maybe you were intrigued by the title. You might also be thinking, ‘wow, I like sweet chats with near strangers’. ‘I want to share my work with someone else in this field while potentially learning something of benefit to me’. If that’s true, then an intimate interlude might just be for you.
The format of the posts are 500-750 words written jointly in Q&A format or whatever feels best for you. If you’re interested, I’ll send you a series of questions and the name and contact information for your interlude partner. Also, just to note, if there is someone you have an art/work crush on, or you’d like to get to know better and you think they’d be interested in doing an interlude with you, let me know. I don’t need to do all the match making. I’m open to suggestions of all sorts.
The posts will be featured in our newsletters (monthly) and also on our website in a blog post! Check it out to learn more about the organization.
So, are you interested? I hope so! Let me know as soon as possible. E-mail me!
Much Love,
Rebecca Mwase
Communications Maven
Twitter: @acsjn
So great to see this opportunity for communicatios and mutual inspiration for folks working at the intersections of art, culture, and social justice. We need to stand together, learn from each other and act in concert now more than ever!